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The crossword puzzle was created by RED Designs of San Rafael.  The icons were added by JKR Designs of Colorado. The ribbon is courtesy of the 2012 Marin County Fair.

I have reveled in the needlearts for more years than I care to remember. Nothing makes me happier than putting thread to canvas. OK, yes, there is: helping my customers do the same! Hence this final page. It’s not a blog (I wish I had the time!), but a collection of observations made over the years. I will update it at least once a month. Please pop back on a regular basis and see what’s new.

Keep a neede and thread in your hands, and you'll keep out of trouble!

In the Scheme of Things, Thread is Inexpensive!

When planning our projects, we often fail to consider the technicalities, such as ripping and tying off. And then there’s the dyelot issue, especially with variegated threads.            If you’re not sure you have enough, that extra card or skein is worth the peace of mind.

The Backside of Your Stitching Matters!

That snarl you ignore will have consequences! You’ll be glad you took the time to fix it. Always remember the backside of your work needs to be as smooth as possible, in order for the front to shine!

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